The book of Revelation presents three series of visions of judgment. First there are the seals in Revelation 6 and 8. Then the trumpets in Revelation 8-9,11 and the bowls in Revelation 15-16. When you read the descriptions of the seals, trumpets, and bowls you will wonder: are these describing one long timeline where the events happen one after another? Or are they describing the same set of judgments in three different ways? Have these seals, trumpets, and bowls happened already? Are they happening now? Or are they yet future? What is the point of the seals, trumpets, and bowls?
Are the seals, trumpets, and bowls one long timeline?

Some Christians say, yes, they are describing one long consecutive sets of judgments that escalate in intensity. For example, in the seal judgments 1/4 of the population dies (6:8) but in the trumpet judgments 1/3 of the population dies (9:15). Also, because the seventh seal opens the seven trumpets and the seventh trumpet opens the seven bowls, this flow naturally points to one long timeline of judgments. I found this point of view described in the Moody Bible Commentary and the Bible Knowledge Commentary which leads me to believe this is a viewpoint of Dispensational theology. Look here for an in-depth theological paper on this point of view.
Are the seals, trumpets, and bowls describing the same set of judgments three times?
The seals, trumpets, and bowl judgments all end their descriptions in the end of the age (6:12-14; 11:15,18; 16:17,20) which leads some to believe that the seals, trumpets, and bowls are three retellings of the same set of judgments that will happen leading up to the return of Christ. I found this view in Craig Keener’s NIV Application Commentary on Revelation.
When do the seals, trumpets, and bowls happen?
There are differences of opinion here, but many believe that Matthew 24 is the same time period described in the first four seals. Jesus said these things like death, famine, plague would be true in this present age and these things would not be the end but the “beginnings of birth pangs” (Matthew 24:8) and will happen before the end will come. We are certainly familiar with wars, famine, and plague in our current world.
Then, after these beginnings, the judgments and events described by the fifth and sixth seal and the trumpets and the bowls would be yet future as we get closer to the end of time. Again, there are differences of opinion on what will usher in the rest of the seals and the trumpets and bowls. This would lead us to a discussion on the rapture and the second coming of Christ and the 70th week of Daniel. Feel free to share in the comments if you have an opinion one way or another on the timing of these events.
What is the point of the seals, trumpets, and bowls?
Regardless of whether the seals, trumpets, and bowls are the same judgments or one string of consecutive judgments, we can draw the same lessons out of these passages.
Like the martyrs in Revelation 6, we long for justice over the injustices that we see in the world. The judgments let us know that God is just and has justice already planned out. He has seen. He is also patient waiting for repentance and calling people to turn to Him. I believe this is why there is a series and progression rather than a once and done judgment. The judgment can be used to turn people’s hearts toward Him.
But most of all, what a relief it is to see God on his powerful throne in glory and majesty and the Lamb who was slain at the end of the scenes of the seals, trumpets, and bowls. Evil and turmoil and judgment happen. But they are not forever. Christ and His church are together forever in God’s holy presence.
Other thoughts
Do you have any insight into the relationship between the seals, trumpets, and bowls? Comment below. I look forward to learning from a variety of perspectives on this question.
Very interesting. I had alwys learned the common view of one set of events occuring after another. I had never heard of the idea of seals bowls and trumpets being the same set of judgments three times. Like a verily, verily, but in triplicate.
Yes, it’s an interesting point of view! This is the first time reading through Revelation that I’m really pondering this point of view. So far so good! I wonder if it’ll make sense the rest of the way!
I am doing a personal study on the Exodus along with reading through the Revelation. I have noticed many similarities and want to do a more focused study on this in the future. Some similarities I see are:
God is sovereign over all. He sets the time, place, the how,when, where, and whys of all of it.
God shows He is the one true God. LORD of Lords and KING of kings. He alone is worthy of worship.
God does not accept Moses’ excuses nor does He accept pharaoh’s compromises. He requires complete obedience and offers complete deliverance.
Each judgement includes all of creation. Land, water, animals, people.
The opportunity to repent is given with each judgement but is most often ignored. For example, when God sent the hail, those who feared the LORD sent their servants and livestock into shelter. Those who didn’t perished. Same in Revelation where we read “but they would not repent.”
God makes a distinction between Israel and the Egyptians and brings them safely through the plagues just as He does between believers and unbelievers in the Revelation.
In the end, after many opportunities to repent, God brings untimate judgement over idolatry and injustice and complete deliverance of his people.
Both Exodus and Revelation show how God’s presence comes to His people and He dwells among them.
These are just a just a few similarities I see with a first reading. I am sure there will be so much more with a more focused study.
Thanks for doing this read along. I pick up more details going though the book in this way.
God’s blessings to you this day!
Wow, Roxanne! Thanks for sharing the comparisons! There are SO many! You are going to love Revelation 15 if you didn’t dig into it already. I am preparing the video today for later in the week and that is exactly what I see too–lots of Moses connections!
[…] The Relationship Between the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls in Revelation […]
I have been prayerful and in some instances led in seeking understanding of the seals-trumpets-bowls.
I felt the “seals” were almost judiciary in the courts of heaven-opening a seal of judgement (like a bench warrant in human court). It is time and the offense/judgement is fully evident. Being set up.
The “trumpet” the declaration from heaven to the earth of the open seals of deserved judgement.
The “bowls” the physical pouring of Judgement/wrath now physical and coming to fruition.
I am still seeking And prayerfully pondering however, I am beginning to think perhaps more clearly unfolding right now before our times.
I actually felt that when 911 happened and Bush responded with the war on terror. It was somewhat of a global for or against us thing.
I spoke right out loud in my living room…
“The Lines of Demarcation are Being Drawn”.
(Who speaks like that? I felt it was almost prophetic bursting from me)
I later felt from the Lord that was potentially the
1st Seal-the Angel sent to conquer/power.
The 2nd seal was taking peace from the earth.
I felt that was possibly (as silly as it sounds) the advent of reality shows and real life evil being shown that are nit just stories. People have begun to “fear” each other.
The 3rd seal has to do with economic resources/commodities. I feel this is where we are perhaps
With the 4th being death and disease.
If not being seen in mankind’s manipulation of science and virus etc bringing much in ourselves.
(Remember Christ’s first coming prophecy unfolded so naturally with the Governor calling for “census” which causes Mary full with child to birth in Bethlehem.
Then herods response to the wise men calling for death of children under two -fulfilled the prophecy -the messiah would also be “called out of Egypt”.
Then returned after Angel said ok. And they went to Nazareth -fulfilling -“He shall be called a Nazarene”. Very natural and unforeseen unfolding at the time circumstances fulfilled many prophecies.
It may be the same in our time.
I also feel that the Astroid -Apophis” coming in 2029 close to the earth may also begin a physical happening of stars falling etc. however, not the end -because it is reportedly coming again in 2036 much closer trajectory.
(There is 7 yrs between this happening).
I’m just saying. These are things to surely consider Prsyerfully. And speak to all…it is Time to Prepare and use the time wisely.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is interesting, isn’t it, when something happening in our time period reminds us of something from Revelation:) But it’s always hard to say with certainty that something we are experiencing or will experience shortly is for sure the fulfillment of something in Revelation. But I think the bottom line is exactly as you put it. We need to use the time we have wisely. It’s time to prepare by sharing the gospel and drawing near to God. 🙂
Hello, I have read Revelation about 3 times now. I have just finished noting Daniel’s 70 Weeks timeline as well into Revelation’s timeline.
About these Judgements. Notice that they come in one set of 3. God’s Holy number (Father, Son & Spirit). You see this kind of action all throughout the Bible which began in Genesis 3. Pharaoh is another example.
In Revelation notice the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls = 777. This is God’s signature, a perfection of the Trinity, completeness. Remember God warns us the Beast of his name: 666 and not to be fooled from his devises.
These are not Judgements against His people, but those who refuse Christ Jesus – and even during those times, He waits for repentance from them even though He already knows they will not. He shows us even then that He’d rather be Merciful than Vengeful.
I hope this helps!
Thank you for those cool details, Christine! And thanks especially for the reminder that the judgments are not for His people! I think when believers forget that they get nervous or frightened of Revelation, but that does not need to be. We are secure in Christ.
I came here looking to see if there is a connection between them happening simultaneously. Scroll, Trumpet and bowl 1 then 2 then 3. I vaguely remember a study I saw on YouTube presents this via chuck missler. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
I’m not familiar with Chuck Missler. Sorry! Here is a scholarly paper that explores that position. I have not read this paper, but I know the ETS is a good resource for scholarly info:
I want to thank you for this link to this paper. I have been studying end-times for a long time and I came to the conclusion that the seal, trumpets and bowls were sequential in their starting but had to be parallel for the 5th, 6th and 7th. This paper makes a very good case for the 6th and 7th being parallel but from my research I can safely using the same method he did to include the 5th as well. I believe when one is able to watch my timeline presentation and then apply what this paper is sharing, I believe it makes a complete picture of Revelation. I don’t know the rules for self promotion and I am not trying to do that, I am just saying that combining these two resources is an eye opener.
God’s Plan for end-times –
I’m totally fine with you sharing what you’ve worked on. Thanks!