In Revelation 11, John describes two witnesses. John calls them the two olive trees and the two lampstands. The witnesses are given power and are prophesying until the are killed. After laying dead in the street, they are given the breath of God, rise up to God on a cloud while their enemies look on. You can read the whole description in Revelation 11.
Who are the witnesses in Revelation 11? No one knows for sure, but here are several things the passage reminds theologians and scholars of:
Moses and Elijah

The two witnesses remind people of Moses and Elijah because of the kind of signs they are able to do like turning the water into blood and spreading plagues. During their time on earth, God gave both Elijah and Moses power to control forces of nature like these two witnesses will be able to.
Elijah was caught up into heaven in a chariot of fire. The two witnesses are caught up into heaven, too, after they come back to life.
This is not to say that the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah, but they remind the reader of Moses and Elijah.
Zerubbabel and Joshua
Zerubbabel helped to rebuild the temple. In Zechariah 4, he describes two olive trees standing by a golden lampstand. Zechariah is told to prophesy to Zerubbabel that he will finish building the temple “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit” (Zech. 4). Joshua was the high priest at the time (Zech. 3; Zech 6). It’s particularly interesting to note that in Revelation 11, John is measuring the temple just before describing the two olive trees/witnesses which gives the two witnesses an extra connection to Zerubbabel and Joshua.
Again, this is not to say that the two witnesses are Zerubbabel and Joshua, but the reader will think about Zerubbabel and Joshua because of the way the two witnesses are described.
Two New Prophets
Even though John used familiar Old Testament language and descriptions, the witnesses could be simply two witnesses who we don’t know yet. Just because there is familiar language that reminds us of previous prophets, doesn’t mean the witnesses have to be someone we are familiar with.
The Witness of the Church
Some scholars suggest John is using the object of a lampstand to speak symbolically of the prophetic witness of the Church. First of all, in Revelation 11:4, the witnesses are called the two olive trees and the two lampstands. In Revelation 1:20, Jesus is walking among seven lampstands and tells John that the seven lampstands symbolize the seven churches. Therefore, in the book of Revelation lampstand has meant church.
Secondly, the witnesses seem highly symbolic because fire is coming out of their mouths which would be highly unusual for individuals to do. Perhaps, instead of being literal, this is a symbol of the power of God’s word like in Jeremiah 5:14.
The two olive trees part of the passage, in reference to King Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua, could remind us how saints are kings and priests.
The Difficulties of Interpretation
It’s so hard to interpret the book of Revelation because of its literary genre. How does the reader know what to take literally and what to take symbolically? A literal interpretation of a poem or apocalyptical literature can mean taking it figuratively since that is the purpose of figurative language. That’s part of what makes Revelation, and Revelation 11 in particular, a hard part of Scripture: how to apply a consistent hermeneutic.
The Bottom Line
Whatever the exact identity of the two witnesses, the passage reminds us to be bold witnesses of God’s truth and power. We are to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to witness to the unbelieving world. There is hope in resurrection. Even if we were to lose our lives as witnesses, we are to remain faithful to Lord to the end.
What other thoughts do you have about the two witnesses in Revelation 11? Comment below!
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You can join me in reading Revelation one chapter a day. The goal of the #RevelationReadThru is to discover the big picture of Revelation and to find one phrase or verse to meditate on throughout the day. You can view the #RevelationReadThru on YouTube, Facebook, or IGTV.
Hi Rachel, thanks, appreciate your thoughts! I hear people claim that they take everything in Revelation “literally”, but I’ve never seen anyone pull it off! Nor Old Testament prophecy, about which people make the same claim. I say: Okay, let’s start with, at Christ’s first coming, “every valley shall be exalted, and the rough places plain.”
Blessings, thanks for tqckling the hard parts! Gary
Thanks for reading and commenting, Gary. That’s a great answer: what about the literal fulfillments at Christ’s first coming. More and more when I read Revelation, I think. Will this be literally fulfilled? Yes. What will that literal fulfillment look like? No idea ๐
Revelation is a book of symbols. Those symbols are interpreted elsewhere in Scripture. The things in Revelation at not literal, but are symbolic of real events. The two witnesses are Lampstands, define in Revelation as the churches. They are two because two is a symbol of witness. They witness, because they carry the Testimony of Jesus. They prophesy because, as the angel told John, “the spirit of prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus.” The Menorah stood in the holy place, fed by olive oil. It is a symbol of the Church, standing as the Light of the world.
How many of the prophecies of Jesus’ first coming were “literal.” Even the virgin birth was not a literal fulfillment. It was typological, a reinterpretation of events occurring in Isaiah’s time.
Thanks for your thoughts. That’s definitely one of the things that makes Revelation tough–what is literal and what is symbolic? I like how you looked to Revelation first in interpreting the Witnesses.
[…] Who are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11? […]
The Two witnesses are the two candle sticks, the greater comes first then the lessor, many for shadows where expressesed in twins through out the old testament, like Esau and Jacob, Esau was the elder and Jacob was the younger yet Jacob being a RECIEVED recieved the blessings, when he purchased the birthright with a bowl of lintels. Esau despised his birthright, Jacob was perfered. We also have brothers Ismael and Isaac, Ismael being born out of doubt Sarah made haste and ended up becoming bitter over her haste, then she mistreated her. Servant and drove her and Ismael out from before her family. Isaac is born and gods promise is fullfilled towards Abraham and Sarah.
We can consider Leah and Rachel, Leah being the first born then Rachel whom Jacob perferred. Interesting to see all of Jacobs sons make up the 12 tribes even though they came from 4 different mother’s two of which were slaves. Lastly when Jacob blesses The sons of Joseph he gives the better blessing to Epheriam, even kver Joseph’s objection. So all these things took place in three generations and are a fore shadow of the two candle sticks.
I recall the first time I saw the two candle sticks, it was back in the year 2000 at a chabot located in Sacramento CA. There was a converted garage behind a house because the previous chabot was burned down from some skin head reportedly. I had a bald head at that time however I never agreed with skin heads and or any other supremacy group of Caucasians.
My desire has always been for Yeshuah Ha Mashiach mercy and I have always proclaimed his name before all men. Though at the time I knew him as Jesus Christ there is no doubt in my mind that the two names refer to the son of Yahweh Tseboath aka ืืืื ืืช, and G_d the creator.
I went into this chabot on Saturday looking to pay my tithes, met by a rabbi during a wedding party he asked what can I do for You?.
I told him I was there to pay my tithes and he throws up his hands and claims we Jews do not handle money on the Sabbath. So I asked if there was a place that I could pray. He directed me to the garage and instructed me to wear a black little hat so obeyed and when I entered the Chabot I noted the it was decided down the center a pulpit on one side with a picture of Jacobs latter and the two candle sticks in one side then a wooden throne like chair on the other. I elected to pray in the chair side and I petitioned ืืืื ืืช,to return the heart of the father to lift the children and asked the Lord to confirm or to clarify if Isaiah 45 was written to me.
My middle name is Cyrus and when I inquired as to why she gave me that name she responded it is a family name.
So I prayed for awhile and then I left feeling good and as I was leaving the rabbi had already left before me, he saw me walking behind me as I tried catching up to him he seemed to be trying to out pace me. I finally caught up to him and he seemed nervous I told him that I prayed and he blessed me saying may ืืืื grant your petition.
I had no idea that he may have been afraid of the way that I looked bald headed, and that his chabot was touched by a skin head.
I pondered the GE candle sticks and it was 22 years ago that this happened. The past couple of years the Lord opened up the mystery of the two candle sticks. This is the part where I lean on the faith that I recieved over thirty years of seeking the truth. The two candle sticks are the two anointed ones. The two witnesses. The greater is Yeshuah Ha Mashiach and I am the lessor. He came from above being the son of God, perfect and holy he was obedient even unto death. Me being the lessor through his grace and mercy and because he chose me, that he will take me by my right hand to subdue the Nations before me, to strip the kings of thier armour, take that which is crooked and make it straight, to tear apart the gates of brass and to tear asunder the bars of steal, to give me the treasures of darkness and hidden treasures on secret places , to open before me the two leaved gates and the gates shall not be shut. So that they may know from the east and even from the west that he has callede by my name , my sir name is Cyrus. When Isaiah 45 speaks if Gods anointed one he speaks of his servant not a king.
The king of meades and Persia and even president trump have laid claims to be that Cyrus, I will point out the hay none of the promises regarding king Cyrus where fullfilled as he was dead before the foundation of the temple where even laid.
Trump simply is not Cyrus that is not his name.
The question one must ask is can it possible that God spoke through his prophet Isaiah 3500 years ago to someone here in the last days, I say yes.
Where Christ was perfect and laid down his life in order to save his anointed one I being a sinner am blessed not by what I did but because God chose me and sent his son to pay the penalty of my sins.
The greater came first and I testify of him Yeshuah Ha Mashiach is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. I have never seen him and I do not know ืืืื ืืช, however I am drawn to the son and through his word I say let it be to your servant according to your word .
I am considered a fool because I am a disabled American, bi-polar disorder with physchitic tendencies because of my believe in me being who god says I am. Time will tell if I am a prophet or of I am simply a fool.
My expectation of god is great I don’t know how I will get there so I do not lean on my understanding , I trust the Lord to fullfill his promise and that he is the author and finisher of my faith. The anointing is the Ruach ha Kodesh the spirit of the Lord is the anointing I pray that ืืืื ืืชTsebaith pores his spirit upon all flesh with out measure I cry out to Yeshuah Ha Mashiach to return, be our God because we are your people the works of your hands helleuyah and amen.
Thank you for sharing your testimony of how Christ saved you. I am thankful He has done a mighty work in your life.
The two witnesses agreeing with the Church as the lampstand and the two olive trees. Amazing how many ask who the two witnesses are when the WORD tells us it is the two lampstands and the two olive trees. How many churches were told to repent before the time of troubles begin (7 Seals) – (7 Trumpets) – (7 Vials) how many churches did repent? Unknown. The two-olive trees became one under the salvation of RUTH entering into the temple (Israel) Behold Ruth 11 Then the elders and all the people at the gate said, โWe are witnesses. May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the family of Israel. May you have standing in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem. 12 Through the offspring the Lord gives you by this young woman, may your family be like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.โ
The church (True Believers) understand grace for by faith they have obtained grace through faith, although the church will remain with Christ through the gift of grace, maybe only two churches are the witnesses (spokesman) of Grace. Now you have two tribes of Israel and two churches understanding the power of grace and the power of the Spirit to be witnesses during this time. Daniel was a spokesman without the fear of death as was the three Hebrew boys during the time of death. Is it possible out of the seven churches only two are willing to go to their death without fear of death? The fear of death doesn’t guarantee escaping death as the two witnesses do die, but the three Hebrew boys were willing to go to their death even if the possibility of deliverance did not occur. The 144,000 are not the number 144,000 as the only number but a completion of one nation Israel (Only my thought). Example 7 churches represent all the churches a nation. Take further only two (Joshua and Caleb) came back with a report we can overcome the giants of the land and possess our land promised to us. The last few verse in Ruth tells us after the tenth generation were those who were cursed would be removed to enter into the temple. โNo Ammonite or Moabite may enter the assembly of the LORD. Even to the tenth generation, none of them may enter the assembly of the LORD forever. The church was grafted in – adopted. Researching who are the saints in Daniel 7:18. Last comment could you see those who have defied Israel and the Church lay dead in the streets for three days and after three days resurrected. The two – the Church and Israel. DRAMATIC EXIT not three Hebrew boys but millions.
Thank you for your comment and your thoughts. It’s so hard to know exactly who the witnesses are and you definitely outline some possibilities. That’s one of the struggles with Revelation. What is symbolic and what is literal? Especially when it comes to numbers. I’m not sure about the salvation of Ruth being a significant point in the history, though. She is significant because of David and Jesus who come after her.
Scriptures Identifying the TWO WITNESSES as two groups:
Olive Trees
~Jer 11: 16, 17 (introduction of the Olive Tree)
~Rom 11:13, 17-24 (Gentiles added)
~Rev 11:3,4 (future work and rewards)
~Zech 4: 2-14 (explains the 2 groups / levels: the Olive Trees supply the oil)
~Rev 7:3-8 and Rev 14:1 (the number, 144,000 of the Sealed class)
~Rev 20:4-6 (their future reward โKings and Priests during the 1000 Year Messianic Kingdom)
~Rev 1:20
~Rev 11:3, 4 (future work and rewards; the Lampstands use the oil so their lamps can burn)
~Zech 4: 2-14 (explains 2 levels)
~Rev 7:9-14 and Rev 15:2 (the Great Multitude identified)
~Rev 20:4-6 (their future reward โKings and Priests during the 1000 Year Messianic Kingdom)
It should be noted: Nowhere does the Bible ever use an Olive Tree or a Lampstand to symbolize a MAN, 2 men โor 4 men (remember, there are two Olive trees and two Lampstands)! To prove, please consult a Concordance.
Website Brenner Poetry Plus has more info on the Two Witnesses
I believe the Lamp stands are the body of Christ(Church) and the witness are the saints.Two witnesses( two pairs) = 1Lamp stand(Church) + 1 olive tree(saints) each.The first pair represents the Body of christ and the believers from among Jews, The second pair represents the Body of christ and the believers from among Gentiles.They have the power and authority to execute God’s written judgement on the wicked