I use my smartphone all day long, everyday. I use it for driving directions, texting, emailing, calling, and creating social media posts. I write grocery lists on it and listen to podcasts while I’m washing the dishes and putting away laundry.
Although all those uses are mundane, the smartphone holds the potential for end-times evil according to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Could it be that smartphones will be the tool that the Antichrist needs to create world domination?
He may use a smartphone or any other kind of technology to do what he is prophesied to do. It seems like every time a new technology comes, someone imagines how the Antichrist could use it to his advantage. For example, last year I wrote about an old book, Computers and the Beast of Revelation, in which the authors fear that the new technology of personal computers and debit cards will usher in the Antichrist. Yet here we are decades later safely using PCs and bank cards, still plugging away towards the kingdom.
The truth is that the Antichrist will eventually come. But that doesn’t mean that we need to tremble in fear when we come across news stories like that.

What is the truth about the Antichrist?
The Antichrist will eventually come. God lets us know that he will come so that we are not surprised or deceived when he appears (Daniel 9, I John 2 and 4, 2 John 1, Revelation 6). Destroying smartphone technology will not stop the Antichrist from coming.
We do not need to fear the Antichrist. God is the one in sovereign control of all history including the time of the Antichrist. The Antichrist cannot overthrow God’s plan. Trust in God. There is no
Believers in Christ are controlled by the Holy Spirit. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church warn about the control the Antichrist will have. However, believers both now and then are controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Do you experience fear when you read about end times prophecy either in the Bible or in the news? Why or why not?
Want to read the book of Revelation without fear? Look for Jesus. Find out how.
Great post. I don’t really worry about end times prophecy because I know God is in control. I will admit when there are news reports about microchipping people it causes me to take note. But I’m reminded about the verse where Jesus tells the disciples not to worry about what to say, that the Holy Spirit would give them the right words when they needed them. I assume it will be the same with us. This post reminded me of a substitute teacher I had back in the late 1970’s. He was an elderly retired pastor and he would tell the most interesting stories. I remember him telling us that back in the 1930’s (I think) when Social Security started, people were freaking out because they though the Social Security numbers were the mark of the beast. I guess it will always be something.
Oh, that’s interesting about Social Security numbers! I wonder what end times “clues” people freaked out about in the 1800s and earlier. That would make an fascinating study!