If you are like many Christians, you have been avoiding the book of Revelation. Or maybe you’ve read it in the past, but it’s been so long you forget what it says. And now that there is so much talk about the changes in the world pointing to the End Times, you want to know for yourself: what does the book of Revelation say?

I invite you to read through Revelation with me, one chapter a day, to get to know the big picture of Revelation. Each day we will also find one phrase or verse to meditate on throughout the day.
The Revelation Read Through begins February 1, but you can view the videos anytime.
You can join me in reading Revelation one chapter a day. The goal of the #RevelationReadThru is to discover the big picture of Revelation and to find one phrase or verse to meditate on throughout the day. You can view the #RevelationReadThru on YouTube, Facebook, or IGTV.
Here is an explanation of the Revelation Read Through:
You can get your free printable Revelation KeyWord bookmark here. And you can purchase the Revelation Scripture journal here (affiliate link).
Here’s an explanation of how to set up the keyword bookmark:
Hope you join me for the #RevelationReadThru!