This year is the year of Revelation!
Later this year my first traditionally published book will be released. Many of you know I’ve been working on it for a long time. It’s called Take It to Heart: 30 Days through Revelation, a Devotional Workbook for Women. It’s now available for preorder!
Leading up to the book’s release, I want to read Revelation over and over again, one chapter a day so that the book is fresh on my mind all year. I will be reading books about Revelation, too. (If you have any recommendations, comment below and let me know!) First up is a Eugene Peterson book called Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination. I’ll let you know what I think of it! Have you read it?
I will be sharing what I learn about Revelation with you along the way so we can find simple truth in this complex book of Scripture!
To get us started, I created a Revelation Keywords bookmark for you. Normally I just scribble the repeated and important keywords from a Bible book onto a post-it note of scrap of paper so I can keep track of how I mark them, but I wanted something nicer! I already created one for Ezekiel and one for Isaiah for my Etsy shop.
Simply print out the bookmark and mark or highlight each keyword in a unique way. Then, when you notice the keyword in Revelation, mark it in the same way. It’s amazing what insights you have when the highlighted words pop out at you on the page. Feel free to add other keywords to your bookmark as you notice them.
If you aren’t ready to read Revelation right now, you could print out the bookmark and place it in your Bible so you have it when you need it.
Thanks for exploring the hard parts of Scripture with me!

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