Every year, in preparation for Easter, I like to read something in the Bible that focuses my mind and heart on Jesus and His death and resurrection.
This year I am sharing my reading plan with all of you in case you are looking for an Easter Bible reading plan or, if you observe Lent, a Lenten Bible reading plan.

This particular Bible reading plan is called Hallelujah! Passover and Praise. The plan begins with the first Passover when God freed His people from slavery in Egypt. The next passages mention times in Israel’s history when they were in a season of renewal and revival and celebrated Passover together as a nation.
Next on the Bible reading plan is Jesus’ last supper when He celebrated the Passover with His disciples just before His arrest and crucifixion. I included the account from all four gospels so you can see the different emphases that each gospel writer brings out.
Some of the gospel accounts end with the phrase “they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.” Most likely, the hymn they sang was the hallel, the group of Psalms from 113-118 which I included in the Bible reading plan after the gospel accounts of the Passover. Traditionally, this is what the Jewish people recited or chanted after their Passover meal. It may have sounded something like this.
After the hallel Psalms, this Bible reading plan has some New Testament references to Jesus, the Passover Lamb, the Lamb that was slain. The end of the Bible reading plan features the only times the word Hallelujah is mentioned in the Bible–Revelation 19. Also in this chapter watch for the references of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, who comes back to earth as a conqueror to set up His kingdom.
Feel free to download and print the Bible reading plan and share with others. You could even read it together as a family.

[…] is focused on Jesus’ death and resurrection. This year I created my own and shared it on my blog, Read the Hard Parts. It’s called Hallelujah! Passover and Praise. The Bible reading plan traces the celebration of […]
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