Scripture Reading: Revelation 13:1-10
Key Verse: “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.” Revelation 13:5-6
Part of what makes Revelation a hard part is the dragon and the beasts and creatures that seem like they are out of a fantasy novel.
In chapter 13, there is a beast that comes out of the sea that looks like a leopard with the feet of a bear and a mouth like a lion. The beast of the sea is part of the unholy trinity along with Satan (the dragon from chapter 12) and the beast of the earth (13:11-18). Later in Revelation, the unholy trinity is overpowered by the Holy Trinity, but in this chapter we have a description of the power of the beast of the sea.
Physically the beast is powerful. The beast is also in a powerful role: warring, conquering, and glorying in his authority.
The beast from the sea also has a powerful mouth.

The beast utters proud words. It blasphemies. It slanders.
Although in comparison to its bear-sized feet, the mouth is small. Despite its small size, the mouth contains great power.
The book of James also reminds us that our own mouths are powerful. Our words have the power to tear down or to build up. To praise our Lord or to curse men (James 3).
Usually I think it’s the big things in my life that are the most powerful.
My career choices. Where I live. My grand plans for how my family will run in the new school year.
But what matters more than any of these is how I use my mouth. Do I speak encouragement or exasperation to my children? Do I excuse my own shortcomings while pointing out all my spouses flaws? Do I speak ill of my brothers and sisters in the church?
Our mouths are powerful. They are given to us by the Lord. May we use them to build up and not tear down.