Like it or not, your Christian teens at home and at church are on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and many other social media websites all week long. Rather than fight it, we can point our kids to trustworthy, Christian YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram accounts they can follow and interact with through the week to help them grow to be more like Christ and know more about God’s word. Here are some that I recommend to my teens at home and at church.

Bible Verse Daily
The evangelist Rashawn Copeland spreads joy on his TikTok account by asking people on the street to share testimonies and to have people say Yes! Jesus is King! If you like @bibleversedaily, you may also like Amen Alex on Instagram and TikTok.
Nick and Levi make quick videos on TikTok answering Bible questions and making some quick videos of Bible stories you may not know. Check them out here.
Nina is a youth worker who speaks God’s truth to teens. I especially appreciated her video on 5 Tips to Stop Self-Harm. She also has TikTok with uplifting Bible verses and truth.
These guys are so funny! Videos on TikTok like if the books of the Bible were people and The Bible Dating Show (Abraham is looking for someone who wants kids…a LOT of kids…) Your teens will need some Bible knowledge to get the jokes. They have a YouTube channel, too. Here is if the Books of Bible were people.
More Christian TikTok Accounts
Here are some more Christian teen TitkTok accounts that are worth seeing. Some are serious and some are just for fun:
- @emilymikus_ has some laughs for you
- @dustin_reeves has some fun and you can follow along with his Bible reading plan, too.
- @ariel.fitz has some funny ways to remind us all to read our Bible and not give excuses
The Bible Project
BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos. The videos and all of our other resources are available for free to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible. They are super helpful for when you are going to start reading a book of the Bible and you need a refresher of an overview of the book. I definitely use it when I’m looking into a hard part of Scripture. They have a YouTube channel for their videos and also have an Instagram account and a TikTok account.
Got Questions
There is nothing flashy about this site, but it does give straightforward answers about your Bible related questions along with Scripture references to support the answers. Here is their website, YouTube channel, TikTok account, and Instagram.
More Christian YouTube Channels
- What Do You Meme? is dedicated to responding to anti-Christian memes, videos, breezy slogans, and Christian views on cultural issues from a thoughtful Christian perspective. Perfect for the teens who like YouTubers who dissect someone else’s thoughts or videos. A good way to teach Christians discernment and to pay attention to the worldviews they hear.
- Two teen girls and their mom team up for this popular YouTube channel. Their videos are about prayer journals, Bible study, and everyday life as a Christian teen. They also have an Instagram account.
- Far Away Distance has YouTube videos for young adult or teen girls also.
- It Takes Two podcast on YouTube features Christian College professor and her daughter as they tackle tough Bible and theology topics in a conversational way.
Dwell Bible App
If you want to listen to the Bible, this is a great app for teens to try. There is a paid version of this audio Bible app. There is also a free version with less choices, but still great. You can listen to the Bible read or listen to passages or other Bible listening plans.
This teen devotional app is created by the Keys for Kids ministry.
YouVersion Bible App
This free Bible app has over 60 different versions. You can also subscribe to different reading plans and devotional reading plans with audio options, too. They have a preteen version here. You can search for reading plans here so your teen can find something they are interested in and is geared towards them.
Do you know any TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or apps that Christian teens like? Let me know in the comments below.