Whenever there is widespread upheaval, Christians ask if we are living in the End Times. This recent study even showed that 9 out of 10 pastors surveyed said that they see current events lining up with the Bible in regards to the End Times. With COVID pandemic and race riots and murder hornets and coin shortages and no return to life-as-usual in sight, are we in the End Times now?
The answer is yes and maybe. I realize that may not be a very comforting answer at first glance, but here’s what I mean.

Yes, We are in the End Times
Yes, we are living in the end times if by End Times you mean that period of time between Jesus’ first advent and second advent. That is definitely true. But I think what most people mean when they wonder if we are living in the end times is whether or not we are living during the Tribulation or living during the time leading up to the Tribulation like Jesus described in Matthew 24-25. The time period when things on earth get worse. The time period when God is displaying His wrath in order to get people’s attention and to exercise justice.
Are we living in the time period leading up to the Tribulation? Or during the Tribulation itself?
Maybe We are in the End Times
Maybe. No one knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return. And in relation to that, we don’t know when the escalating events leading up to His return officially begin either. Many people throughout history have noticed something in their world that reminded them of something mentioned in Revelation or Matthew 24 or other passages in Scripture that speak of the end times. Gary Shogren has mentioned some of the historical predictions in his blog. Yet the Lord is clear that no one will know when this happens. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So is it possible that we could be in time leading up to the Tribulation? Maybe. But God did not provide for us a way to pinpoint the date. That’s not the point of Him giving us the information about the End Times.
The Downside of Pondering the End Times
Spending time on figuring out whether or not we are in the End Times can lead us into fear especially if we have a picture of the End Times being pure chaos and if we are people who expect the Christian life to be smooth sailing.
We can also be distracted from more important matters of faith and trust. We have a picture that God gave us clues and we are on our own to figure the End Times. So we pour into the numbers of the Bible or the blood moons or the murder hornets so we can figure out the date. Instead, we can trust that God has it in control and that He has already given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
The Upside of Pondering the End Times
But there are some good things that can come out of wondering if we are in the End Times. It can give us urgency to share the gospel when we remember that we don’t have forever. We need to pray for our unbelieving family and friends and take opportunities today to share Jesus Christ’s salvation.
The End Times remind us that our confidence and security is in Christ and not our material possessions. We trust in Christ for our present and our future. We know we are safe with him. If you feel wash of fear when you hear about the possibility of end times, you can refocus on the Holy Spirit who is your seal. You are safe in Christ.
What do you think? Are we living in the End Times? Why or why not? What difference does it make? Comment below.

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Dear Rachel,
Thank you for the timely article.
This survey was not offered to all the churches.
I wish it was.
I am very concerned about the 3-11% of the pastors who responded to the survey. They are not preaching that the end timed is here and now. Not even saying it is near. What are they preaching?
Jes Dayalan
(Jes Dialan)
that’s a great question! And you right that it is concerning. What exactly are they preaching? What do they believe about Christ’s return and future events?
There are still unfulfilled prophecies which will take time to fulfill. So, personally, I believe we are still at least 15-20 years away from the Tribulation. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus states, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” There are still thousands of people groups who have no Christian witness. The “all nations” refers to ethnic groups. India by itself has about 1,000 ethnic groups with no Christian witness. There are another 1,000 unreached groups in Africa.
We have lots of missions work left to do! Great reminder to keep praying that these unreached people groups will hear the Good News!
Yes, Rachel,
I believe we are living in the end times. I also believe the totality of scripture teaches that the Church will be taken out of the way (raptured) before the tribulation begins. There is no other sign to wait for if you are a believer, because the rapture is imminent and has always been imminent. We are to watch and are assured that we are not appointed unto wrath. The tribulation is God’s wrath and is the time of Jacob’s trouble – not the Church’s trouble.
Thanks for contemplating this subject. It is definitely missing in most churches today.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Carol. Ah, the rapture! Another hard part of Scripture! 🙂 Which is connected to another hard part of Scripture–the relationship between Israel and the Church! I can tell that you have really studied up on the End Times! I’m so glad! You are right that it is missing in most churches. Not only do we miss knowing what will happen, but then we miss the urgency of sharing the good news of Jesus.
Thank you for this Rachel, I had read Matthew 24 the same morning I received your blog, indicating to me that the Holy Spirit is at work in the lives of His children. So it was important I leave a reply even if I may not answer your questions directly.
Regarding my concern with the End Times, the question frequently comes to my mind especially when I hear of catastrophic devastations (such as the recent one that happened in Beirut Lebanon). Wouldn’t it be nice if Jesus came so we can stop suffering ? Yet he says in Scripture that no one will know the day.
Meanwhile, as Jesus instructs us in Matthew 25, we are to remain zealous in spreading the gospel, keeping our Lanterns lit, investing our God-given gifts for His purposes, and continuing to do good for His name’s sake.
This brings to my mind:
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Suzanne Shera
Oh, wow, that’s amazing that this blog post was published the same day you read Matthew 24! I love when God arranges things like that in our lives. Thank you for the reminder of Philippians 1:6 and the reminder that we can look confidently to the future since we are secure in Christ.