Do you want to buy your friends or family something to help them along in their personal Bible study time? Here are 18 gifts including books, tools, and resources to help them dig into their Bible–even the hard parts!
Colored Pencils
Highlighters and markers bleed through the page. Use colored pencils to underline favorite Bible verses or to mark key words or themes in the Bible passage.
The New Inductive Study Bible
This is the Bible that got me interested in digging into the hard parts on my own. Each book has background info and step by step keywords and questions so you can discover the truths in Scripture on your own.
ESV Scripture Journal
These Scripture journals are small, softbound one Bible book per journal. I recently bought the Ezekiel one for myself since that is the Bible book I would like to tackle next. These Scripture journals have the Bible text on one side of the page and a lined page on the other side so you can record any questions or thoughts you have about the passage along the way.
Blank Book
I use a simple blank journal like this to jot down questions when I am reading the Bible. That way I have a whole list of questions and topics to dig into when I’m ready to transition from Bible reading to Bible study.
Living By the Book
This was required reading for me in college, but it was one of the best books I read there. The author gives simple explanations into what you need to know in order to study the Bible on your own.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
A concordance helps you find the meanings of the words in the Bible in the original languages. It also helps you know the range of meanings for the words in the Bible and where else in the Bible a particular word is used. This is super helpful when you are looking into the details of a Bible passage.
Bible Time Maps
When you are studying a Bible passage, it is helpful to look up on a map any place names so you can picture where the location. This particular map book, Then and Now Bible Maps, also has overlays to show modern day maps in comparison to Bible times locations.
NIV Application Commentary Series
If you’ve read a lot here on Read the Hard Parts, you know that this is my go to commentary series when I want to study a particular book in depth. I especially appreciated the Revelation commentary by Craig Keener and the Jeremiah commentary by J. Andrew Dearman.
The Moody Bible Commentary
If you are looking for a one volume commentary with insights into the whole Bible, I would recommend the Moody Bible Commentary.
Bible Timeline
To help your loved one understand the Old Testament prophets, it’s important to know when each prophet ministers in relation to Israel’s history. This timeline will help and will fit inside a Bible or Bible cover.
Inductive Bible Study Journal for Kids
These Heart and Hive guided Bible study journals are what my kids use to follow along to the sermon on Sundays and to help organize what they learn during their Bible study during the week. There are ones for boys and ones for girls. And there are Bible study journals for women, too.

Study Bible
A study Bible can have helpful notes in it to help you understand the passage that you are trying to read. I like the NIV Application Study Bible when I’m preparing a scripture to teach. I also like the ESV Study Bible. It’s large, but it has lots of notes!
Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible
A friend recently started to use this Bible and she has learned so much from the commentary that helps you understand the original language of the Bible.
Hard Sayings of the Bible
If you are stuck on a hard part, this book may have the explanation you are looking for.
I like these magnetized ones that don’t fall out when I’m flipping through my Bible. They can be heavy for thin pages though so you will have to be careful while you flip. Or you can use ribbon bookmarks or traditional paper ones with tassels.
Bible Memory Cards
To encourage Scripture memory, you can gift these Bible memory cards. Or you can get some colored index cards or cardstock and make your own Bible memory cards to give as a gift.
Bible Verse Magnets
Your loved one can stick these lovely Bible verse magnets on their fridge or metal door and can practice memorizing the verse every time they see it.
Sticky Notes Case
A great gift for those who want to keep notes in their Bible, but don’t want to actually write in their Bible. This is a handy case for the traditional size of post-it notes and the colored arrow flag post its.
Do you have any of the above items on your Christmas wish list? Do you have any additional gift ideas that relate to Bible study? Share below!
Note: The Amazon links above are affiliate links. I will receive a small portion of the purchase price at no extra cost to you.
I agree with Living By The Book. The other ideas are great too! Since I have mostly gone to a digital Bible along with commentaries, Bible maps, and resources that I can purchase and carry with me on my smart phone and tablet, an iTunes gift card lets me buy more commentaries and study Bible to have on hand. I personally use Olive Tree Bible apps, but there are several others as well.
I haven’t made the jump to using digital resources very much, so those are helpful suggestions. Thank you!